SCIDIP-ES inter-active platform

Orchestration Service

Orchestration Service

The Orchestration Service is an information broker. It channels all the information exchanged among all services, toolkits as well as all kinds of users. A service or user can request the Orchestration Service to observe some or all events occurring on some objects. Besides, the user can subscribe to the channel in order to receive all information regarding same topics. As an alternative, the user can filter some information getting across the Orchestration Service using the Hashtag concept.


Additional services can allow different categories of actors to subscribe his newsfeed channels. Those actors include the following:

  • Data users. A user community which has subscribed the newsfeed channel relative to ENVISAT Meris is automatically informed when a new user manual regarding those data is available in the archive.
  • Data owners are automatically informed if new preservation policies must be applied (e.g. all manuals written in .doc must be converted to .pdf).
  • Another Service or Toolkit could be subscribed to specific orchestration channels to automatically receive notifications regarding new configurations files, changes in digital object management, etc.
  • Digital Objects could use the Orchestration to distribute information regarding their modifications and changes (e.g. sort of file history for authenticity purposes).

It is fundamental to understand that the communication provided by the Orchestration Service is totally asynchronous and agnostic with respect to message contents.